Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Aline Jaeckel

Dr. Aline Jaeckel

Affiliate Scholar


aline_jaeckel [at] uow [dot] edu [dot] au

Dr Aline Jaeckel is an Associate Professor in international law at the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS) at the University of Wollongong, Australia. Her work focuses on law of the sea and international law with a particular focus on the regulation and governance of deep seabed mining. She is a member of the Minerals Working Group of DOSI (Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative) and sits on the editorial board of Marine Policy.

Aline was a Research Associate in the Ocean Governance research group at IASS (now RIFS) in 2015-2016 and again in 2020-2022 where she contributed to projects on environmental standards for deep seabed mineral mining. She continues to collaborate closely with members of the group on researching how the emerging industry of seabed mining can be regulated in line with international environmental law and good governance principles.

Publications at the RIFS