Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Argentina: From an Energy Stalemate Towards Shale Gas Expansion and Creating a Renewables Market

After years of stalemate, attracting investment in the energy sector to mitigate electricityshortages and meet rising demand are top priorities for Argentina. To this end,the new government has established main goals of increasing shale gas productionand fostering renewable energy deployment and development while drastically reducingenergy subsidies. However, investments in renewables and unconventional gas arehighly capital intensive and require long-term guarantees, while Argentina still lacksinternational financial trust. To recover financial trust, the current administration isseeking international agreements with the main financial institutions as well as the USand the EU.

Publication Year



Jimeno, M. (2016). Argentina: From an Energy Stalemate Towards Shale Gas Expansion and Creating a Renewables Market. In Sustainable Energy in the G20: Prospects for a Global Energy Transition (pp. 19-25). Potsdam: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS).

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